SRC update

Hello, Jacob here, I’m the new publicity officer for the SRC.

I’m here to mention about the biggest morning tea at the end of term 2; we raised $75.00

We decided to add a fish tank to our library we didn’t actually buy it so don’t get excited about it too much but it is coming soon. I will let you know when it has arrived.

Also we decided to perform the circus show play for the school concert on the 4th of December.

We cooked some hot dogs on wheels day and some fruit drinks for the end of term reward, the money raised went to our new compost bin, and this gets even better the term 4 reward is going to be a disco and dress up party.

We are now going to sell ice blocks every Wednesday which the estimated price will be 50c.

The school have chickens which are producing eggs and we decided to sell them please see the next newsletter for an announcement, and last but not least will be holding a lunch with pizzas and fruit boxes on the 23rd of October please complete the lunch orders which will be sent out soon.


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